The incredible natural world is blessed with enormous bounties and charming mysteries that are still waiting to get unfolded. The physical environment that surrounds us not just lets us thrive successfully and peacefully on the most beautiful planet in the solar system but rather it also brings about the best form of lives through us. Mankind is undoubtedly hunting for better solutions to bring about tremendous development without putting the environment at stake. Although human beings have already amplified the natural environment with innumerable options as renewable sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy, and tidal energy, etc. yet the notion that calls for immediate attention are how renewable sources of energy can lead to sustainable development. This blog post will help you to figure out the ways by which we can invest in renewable sources of energy to ensure sustainability along with sustainable development.
As we know, the idea to go green is trending globally and successfully gaining strong grounds across the continents. According to the World Wide Web, the term sustainability refers to the ability to exist constantly or perpetually. This simply means sustainability is the capacity of the biosphere and human civilization to co-exist together and forever. Mankind has been quite diligent to secure maximum benefits of the resources available on earth unfortunately escaping the irony that all natural resources are exhaustible. The conventional sources of energy like coal and petroleum etc. are exhaustible and these will get depleted owing to reckless consumption. Additionally, these resources take a lot of time to get formed under immense pressure and high temperature when placed deep inside the earth’s surface. The aforementioned non-renewable sources produce huge amounts of energy that could be readily utilized via several means but it is equally important to consider that these sources in particular lead to the discharge of harmful effluents that cater to severe environmental pollution.
Thus, we must put adequate efforts to employ renewable energy or inexhaustible sources of energy to secure sustainable development. The below-mentioned points are the ways by which Renewable Sources of Energy be sustainable sources of development.
Solar Energy– Factually, Sun is the ultimate source of energy this is due to the reason that all other sources of energy are directly or indirectly derived from it. The sun radiates energy in the form of heat and light that could be put to several usages leading to an efficient and pollution-free solution to all our energy needs. Solar energy as a renewable source of energy is available freely and in plenty. It is a truly non-polluting source of energy and it does not emit any greenhouse gases when producing electricity. Thus, solar electricity can sponsor our energy consumption with the help of solar panels consisting of many photovoltaic solar cells. These solar panels are cost-effective and add value to the environment.
Wind Energy– Blowing air is called wind and Wind power can be successfully employed to convert wind energy into electricity by using wind turbines. Wind power is pretty reliable as well as a clean fuel that holds long term brighter prospects in the field of energy. It is a renewable source of energy that is non-polluting and completely toxin-free. In short, wind power is one of the best resorts to combat the global pollution crisis.
Hydro Energy– The power generated by water or hydroelectricity plays a crucial role as the most dependable renewable source of energy. There are efficient micro-hydro systems as turbines that convert potential energy to kinetic energy and eventually aid in electricity production. These micro-hydro power systems can even be used as stand-alone back-up systems that are connected to the main grid. It is cost-effective, efficient and an absolute eco-friendly alternative to conventional sources of energy.
Biomass Energy– Biomass is a renewable source of energy that is derived from decayed organic matter such as wood, crop waste, or garbage. Although there are several ways to produce energy from biomass, including burning biomass to generate energy in the form of heat that is further used to run steam-driven turbines that produce electricity. Biomass that is employed to produce energy from waste consists of wood and other forest residues or other organic matter. Interestingly, biomass paves way for sustainable development because it is both an efficient as well as a reliable source of energy to bring about all-round development.
Geothermal Energy– As the name suggests, geothermal energy is the power that is derived in the form of heat from the interior of the earth. There are several places on earth where geothermal energy is available in plenty. Such sources like the shallow ground areas or hot molten rocks are located too deep beneath the earth’s surface. These areas may go down to an even deeper extent where extreme underground temperature exists and there is a molten rock called magma that usually erupts out on the surface in the form of lava.
Renewable sources of energy like solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy, hydro energy, and biomass, etc. are derived from all-natural processes and entities that are automatically replenished by nature. As all these sources are inexhaustible hence we can depend upon these in the long run to address all our energy requirements. The credibility of renewable energy is aptly stated by the famous Canadian film director, screenwriter, and environmentalist Sir James Cameron as “The Nation that leads in renewable energy will be the nation that leads the world.” Conclusively, renewable sources of energy are sure shot ways to attain sustainable development.
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